What is Barber Classicks?

Connecting, educating & uplifting the barber community. Barber Classicks allows you to learn from the best in the business.

This year's edition is the biggest, most innovative, and exciting yet. As such, it deserves a spectacular setting.

Join us on the 11th & 12th of May in a 19th-century salt warehouse in Portorose, Slovenia.

What's on the menu?

Symmetrical beards, the cleanest fades & hair-coloring techniques that turn heads. More than 15 world-class barbers will take the stage to share their secrets on how to achieve just that.

We'll spice everything up with barber battles. Five different categories with the winner of each taking home 500 €!

If you're in the market for new barber equipment, there's no better place to be than the exhibition area. Our partners will offer huge deals on clippers, combs, shaving equipment and hair products.

And the chef's kiss?

Four trend-setting barbers will host intimate hands-on work shops. They'll break down the exact processes that set them apart from the rest. Save the date & get your tickets!